Mifflin Street Block Party

I had never gone to the Mifflin Street Block Party because it had always conflicted with designated exam study days. This year, however, it was scheduled for the same day as the Crazylegs Classic. So our apartment decided to check it out. We wanted to go, not to drink or get pictures taken with cops but to check out the music and people watch. It was very crazy! Imagine thousands of drunk or drinking college students all together in an approximately three block area. We only stayed for a little bit. There were just too many people smoking. We then got back and Mike, Johnny, and I played some tennis at the Nielsen for an hour and a half. And then relaxed for awhile before Mike and I headed to Madison’s Comedy Club. Then, to top the night off we watched Napolean Dynamite…pretty funny. I was very tired so I headed to bed but Mike and another guy at the apartment, Justin, went to Stillwaters to try and meet some girls. They didn’t get back until 2:45. I’m still looking forward to learning the details.

I have pictures from the Mifflin Street Block Party at Smugmug and Flickr (they are exactly the same).

Smugmug: Mifflin Street Block Party
Flickr: Mifflin Street Block Party

I’m still trying to decide what photo sharing system I like best. Let me know what you think.

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